Grab amazing offer discount Flat 30% and upto 50%off (Discount % is marked in each product)
Price mentioned below are discounted and final Price
Please contact Deepa @ +918939220001 on WhatsApp or Call
All Product at one glance.
Allegra Bowl 1.3Ltrs
Cutting Board (set of 2)
Crystalwave Pitcher
Magic Flow Plus Set
Quick Chef
Speedy Chef
Cutting Board (set of 2)
Crystalwave Pitcher
Eleganzia Butterfly Server
Allegra Basket
Hog Dog Keeper/ Snack Buddy with Midgets
Goody Box set
Deluxe tumbler set
Eleganzia tumbler
That's a Bowl (3 Ltrs)
Prism Tumblers (set of 2)
Eleganzia Tumblers 250ml (set of 2)
Prism Bowl 500ml set of 2
MM Rectangle #1 4.3 Lltrs
Mini Rectangle #1 850ml set of 2
Ice Tray
Preludio Bowl 450ml (set of 2)
Preludio Tumblers 250ml (set of 2)
Clear Square Round 620ml
Eleganzia Bowl 600ml (set of 2)
Tupperware Eleganzia bowl 2.3Ltrs
Tupperware Cutie Tumbler (set of 2)
capacity 170ml
Tupperware Freezermate 3 Ltrs
Tupperware Smidgets
Tupperware Midget
Tupperware Snack Cups
Tupperware Stack n Store
Tupperware Square Keeper
Tupperware MM Square #2 (capacity 3 Ltrs)
Tupperware Prism Bowl and Tumbler Set (available as Set of 2)
Tupperware Eleganazia Bowl (1.5 Ltrs)
Tupperware Style Diva Bowl (capacity 1Ltr)
Tupperware Citrus Peeler
Tupperware Junior Quick Shake
Ripple Tumbler – capacity 500 ml (set of 4)
Allegra Basket
Prism Tumblers (set of 2)
Eleganzia Tumblers 250ml (set of 2)
Prism Bowl 500ml set of 2
MM Rectangle #1 4.3 Lltrs
Mini Rectangle #1 850ml set of 2
Ice Tray
Preludio Bowl 450ml (set of 2)
Preludio Tumblers 250ml (set of 2)
Clear Square Round 620ml
Eleganzia Bowl 600ml (set of 2)
Tupperware Eleganzia bowl 2.3Ltrs
Tupperware Cutie Tumbler (set of 2)
capacity 170ml
Tupperware Freezermate 3 Ltrs
Tupperware Smidgets
Tupperware Midget
Tupperware Snack Cups
Tupperware Stack n Store
Tupperware Square Keeper
Tupperware MM Square #2 (capacity 3 Ltrs)
Tupperware Prism Bowl and Tumbler Set (available as Set of 2)
Tupperware Eleganazia Bowl (1.5 Ltrs)
Tupperware Style Diva Bowl (capacity 1Ltr)
Tupperware Citrus Peeler
Tupperware Junior Quick Shake
Ripple Tumbler – capacity 500 ml (set of 4)